While it is not necessary to reinvent the wheel, there are times when it is necessary to reinvent oneself.  One sudden, unexpected event forever changed my life, sending me on a journey to figure out who I was and where I fit in the world once the life I had no longer existed.

Being plunged almost instantly (and totally unprepared) into widowhood was like being dropped into a foreign country where I didn't know anyone, didn't know the customs or the language, had no idea where I was, and no clue where I was going or how to get there.  I - the person who always had a plan - suddenly had no idea what to even plan for, and I had no idea how to plan for that!

But as I rebuilt my life one minute, one hour, one day at at time, I discovered that naming and facing what is - telling our story - has immense power to nurture, companion, and connect.

That’s what I seek to do as I blog and write my way through life. My words offer companionship and a place for you to make connections to yourself, your life, the Sacred, and the wider world. I’d be honored to have you travel with me.